Government Repossessed Car Auctions - How to Hunt Them DownYou probably know a thing or two about government repossessed car auctions and are interested to buy a car there at huge discount. Or you could be interested to resell them for profits. Whatever reason that may have sparked your interest, you do need to know how to locate these government repossessed car auctions. All good things do not come easy. The fact that these auctions are hardly publicized makes it quite a challenge to find it. If you are fortunate, you may hear it from someone in the know or simply are in the business. This is why many cheap auto auctions come and go without you even knowing that they exist. What can you do to prevent this from happening and get posted of the ongoing government repossessed car auctions? Some people have resorted to conduct their detailed search. Reading the local and national newspapers for auction listings is one way. But you have to do that regularly. Classified ads are great places to find them. But there is a big problem when you find one advertised in the widely read newspapers. Too much news coverage means too much attention. That would mean you have more bidders in the auctions, and you would end up facing stiff competition. The vehicles sold are all from repossession and the government is keen to sell them really cheap. Very often, their prices start at a steep 90% off the retail prices. Obviously, when things are so cheap, do not expect them to have deep advertising budgets. A lot of these government repossessed car auctions are organized by small time private auctioneers. This kind of auction is what you should target as this means a high chance of buying at dirt cheap prices with zero competition. What you can do is to liaise with local or state government agencies and check out on the auto auction venues and dates. This can take some time, but the effort would be worth it when you drive home a near new sports convertible from one of these auctions. But before you do that, remember to do a check also at the banks and lenders. They are one huge source of repossessed vehicles. Many of the vehicles are actually seized from loan defaulters. They would be able to advise you on when and where the auto auctions are taking place. If you are simply too lazy or have no time to go through all the hassle of calling and checking, then there is another alternative for you. Nowadays, there are online databases that provide you with the latest information and news on the government repossessed car auctions near you. And the beautiful thing is you can conduct as many searches as you wish without limitations for a small fee. |