Seized Car Auctions - 5 Tips for the Best Deal from Car AuctionsWhile seized car auctions are a haven for those who are looking for huge bargains in car deals, it is best that you aim yourself with some knowledge to protect yourself. Many people buy the seized or repossessed cars for different reasons, some for personal use, and others to resell it at a higher price. But whatever the reason may be, the following tips will put you in a better position to grab the best deal from the seized car auctions.1. Have the financial means to pay for your bid. Always have an estimate in mind of the maximum bid you can go. With that, make sure that your bank account has this sum of money in place. A number of car auctions may require you to provide a bank draft so it makes sense to make some preparations. 2. Be early at seized car auctions. The saying of “the early bird catches the worm” is very true in this situation. Be at the auctions ahead of the crowd and you can have a good view of the cars to decide which one you want. 3. Aim yourself with information of used car prices and reviews. Do your homework the night before at Parker’s, Nada or to get a clearer picture. Print out some of the past transacted car prices. 4. Always inspect the cars you are interested in. Check out the doors, trunk, and hood and take a glance at the VIN# stickers. Take special note of these and ensure that they are the same. If they are not, there is likelihood that one of these scenarios has taken place. The car could be stolen, was caught in an accident and repaired using parts from other cars. You can also ask your friend or family member at home to conduct an AutoCheck Vehicle History Report or a free VIN# check through the internet. This will tell you about the history of the car, whether good or bad. 5. Scrutinize the contract carefully. Since it is legal binding, please be sure to check the terms and conditions to make sure that everything is in order. Used cars at seized car auctions may not have the title physically on site and you have to wait for sometime for the title to be delivered to you. One important aspect you cannot miss is the number of days it takes before you can receive the title. The biggest complaint from folks is that it can take a long while from weeks to months before they receive it. Why should this happen when you have paid in full? Finally, anyone who is interested to check out where you can find the car of your choice at the nearest seized car auctions can read my car blog for more details. |