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Easy Money from Garage Sales

The majority of information about garage sales on the internet is advising people to hold garage sales to make money. Personally, I don’t think holding a garage sale is a good way to make money. You have to sell everything cheap just to get rid of it.

Unless you have a lot of junk and are a compulsive junk collector this is not a great way to spend your Saturday mornings for a few dollars. Also, you will need to ensure you always have something to sell.

You will make extra cash with a bit of effort and minimum outlay.

There are so many bargains out there – SO BEWARE! This can be addictive and you will get caught up in the ability to get a bargain and make great cash!

OK, you are going to need to get up early for this one. If you want the bargains, you need to get up early. Remember the old saying, ‘the early bird gets the worm’. Well this is fairly applicable in this situation.

Don’t like early starts on your weekend? If so you will miss out on the opportunities to make cash – its as simple as that.

HOT TIP: People that are moving house always have the best bargains and the cheapest items. This is for obvious reasons – they need to get rid of it before they move and are likely to take any offer!

All garage Sales are not the same!

There are garage sales and then there are garage sales!

As mentioned in the previous step, people that are moving always have great bargains.

The best locations to go to garage sales are the wealthier suburbs! You are guaranteed to get better quality products, better brand names, and with some tough negotiation better buys – i.e. more profit for you.