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Ebay For Beginners – 3 Easy Steps to Quick Profits Selling on eBay

So you here about all the people making loads of money selling on eBay. Well it is true; people are making boat loads of money. If you are a beginner it could take awhile before you learn the eBay money making ropes. I became an eBay Power Seller in less than two months by following these three simple steps.

1. Find a product to sell on eBay – Sounds simple doesn’t it. Many people recommend selling something from around the house to get your feet wet. Actually, that is what I did. I started by selling some of my old baseball trading cards. Ebay can be very intimidating to a new seller so start by finding something around the house that you don’t want but someone else will. Price the product low and make a simple listing with a picture or two. Don’t pay for all of the extra listing options. All you need is a product, a simple listing and a low price. Your goal is not to make a fortune on the first item. Your goal is to learn the ropes.
2. Find more product to sell on eBay – This is where things get difficult. If you are going to make a part time income or full time income as an eBay seller you will need a steady stream of product from a low priced wholesaler. The hardest part about selling on eBay is finding a reliable source of product. There are many places that say they have wholesale products but most of these places are just middle men. To get true wholesale pricing takes work. You have to search the internet and inquire for price lists. It may take you weeks to find a good wholesale source of product. Of course you can try to simplify the process by using a wholesale drop shipper. Most Power Sellers on eBay use a drop shipping company for supplying their product. A good drop shipping company can save you hours of time when selling on eBay. Drop shipping companies take care of the inventory, shipping and returns. Some of the better drop shipping companies even have pre made eBay listings so that all you have to do is copy and paste the product details into eBay. The great thing about drop shipping is that you only focus on which products sell well and which don’t. You don’t have to buy tons of products and keep it at your house to find out what is hot and what is not. All you have at risk it the listing fee on eBay. If the product sells then you collect the money and create an order at the drop shipping company. The drop shipper handles the rest.
3. eBay beginners should take action – The biggest reason eBay beginners don’t make money is because they don’t take action. You must get started today. The other problem is that beginners try to learn everything on their own. My suggestion is that you learn from other Power Sellers, eBooks, drop shipping companies and eBay’s website. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Find a reliable drop shipping company and a good eBay course and get started today. eBay beginners can make money but you must get started now.