Don't Pay For Your Tax Id CertificatesApparently there are companies who will get your tax ID number for a large fee. Don't pay anyone for your tax ID number certificates. You can can get your federal(EIN) and state tax certificates for free. It takes about an hour of your time to get them online.You can get your federal(EIN) tax ID number right on the IRS website in about 20 minutes. Just fill out the application right online. When you are done filling in the correct fields follow it through to the last page. You always get approved for a federal tax id number, so don't worry about being turned down. Then you will get temporary tax certificate. Print the temporary certificate for your records. You can use the temporary certificate right away, as it is the same number as your hard copy tax certificate. In about 2-4 weeks you will receive your hard copy federal(EIN) tax id certificate in the mail. Now you know how to get a federal tax ID number for free. You can apply for your state tax id certificates at your state website. Some states have different ways you can acquire your tax id numbers. Some states, like New Hampshire don't require a state tax ID number. Most states have a tax form your can fill out right online at your state website(the same way you got your federal tax id). Then you can print up your temporary state tax certificate and start using it right away. Other states have a tax application you can print up and mail to them. This may take about 2-4 weeks to receive through mail. Don't worry, you won't get turned down for tax ID numbers. It's not that kind of application. Don't use another company to get this information for you. It is information you can get for free. You can get your tax ID numbers in under 1 hour of your time. You don't know who these companies are. Do you want to trust someone you don't know with all your personal information, including your social security number? Companies that get your tax id's for you, are counting on you not knowing what I just told you. They want to make is seem as complicated as possible, so you don't do it yourself. When in reality, it's not complicated at all. Just fill in the required fields on the application and hit the send button. How hard is that? Don't waste your money. |