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3 Proven Ways To Make Money On Ebay

One of the quickest ways to make money online is by using ebay. As you know, ebay is a huge auction site and gets millions of visitors per day. Take a look here http://ebay.com Here's 3 proven ways to make money with ebay.

#1 - Use your own closet, basement, attic or garage and look for useful items to make money on ebay. Many times, what's junk to you, is another persons treasure. Antiques, rare books, collectors cards, etc, are easy sellers and will put cash into pocket fairly quickly. Just clean them up a bit, take a picture of them with a digital camera, upload the photo, then write up an excellent description. Put a low starting bid price on the item and you're set. Within a few days, you could make an extra hundred dollars for hardly no work at all.

#2 - Sell ebooks to make money on ebay. Ebooks are hot sellers and easy to create for quick cash. All you need to do is write on a subject you have a great deal of knowledge. You might be good at fixing and replacing hard drives in computers, working on exhaust systems on cars, making homemade bread, or any number of ideas. Just write up a short report on the subject. Then put it up for bid ebay. You'll be surprised at how well and fast you can make money on ebay with this method.

#3 - Become an auction manager. Place an ad on internet or your local newspaper and let others know you offer this service. This is where you'll look for products from others, set up, and monitor the bidding. You basically do all the work and take a commission on each sale. You can find many people that want to run their own auctions, but don't know how or don't have the time. You simply offer your services as an auction expert. This way, you don't have to worry about finding stuff to sell. Using these proven methods are a sure way for you to make money on ebay.