Ebay Seller Survival TipsSelling on Ebay can be relatively simple once the technical aspects of posting items and filling orders is mastered. Much more difficult is developing your Ebay sales efforts into a consistent, viable business. Technical aspects aside, there are several key areas which the serious Ebay seller must also master if they are to consistently profit from an Ebay business venture.The three key areas which set the successful Ebay seller apart from the average seller are customer service, cost control, and an authority reputation. The first area, customer service, is one that many sellers seem to be lacking in. A successful Ebay business requires repeat buyers. The first and easiest way to get a buyers attention is to provide excellent customer service above and beyond the competition. This runs the gamut from promptly answering emails and shipping packages to keeping your buyer informed every step of the way. Take the time to send an acknowledgment when payment is received and a note when a package is mailed. Leave feedback when appropriate. These simple steps greatly increase the chances of a buyer returning to you for future purchases. Failing to pay attention to costs has been the downfall of many Ebay businesses. It is essential to keep good records of all costs involved with each transaction. Know the costs of acquiring your product as well as your approximate cost to complete a transaction. Keep records of sell through rates and prices realized. This can be as simple or complex as you wish to make it. Basically, the more factors tracked, the better informed you are in making business decisions. Put another way, if you don’t know exactly how much it is costing you to acquire, sell, and ship an item, how do know if you are making any money? By authority reputation, we refer to developing a niche category that you consistently sell in. Buyers who over and over again see your products in areas they routinely buy in are more likely buy from you. Your niche should be in an area in which you have researched and are very well versed. Buyers who consistently see well written ads by the same seller in the same category will tend to regard the seller as a reputable knowledgeable dealer. This doesn’t mean, of course, that you can not sell items in other categories. It simply means that as much as possible you want buyers to develop an association with your name for a specific category. Mastering these three areas over time will go a long way toward developing an Ebay business what will both survive and thrive. |