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Using eBay to Sell Old Inventory

If you own a brick and mortar store, you've probably come across the problem of a few products that just won't sell. This same problem happened to a good friend of mine who owns a retail store in our area. Some products that were ordered just weren't leaving the shelves. There just wasn't a market for the items anymore because customers just weren't interested. I suggested setting up an eBay account and try selling these unpopular items as auctions or using eBay's "buy it now" feature. I helped set up the eBay account and sure enough, these unpopular items began selling lot hotcakes! In fact, her entire inventory of products that she couldn't get rid of, sold out on eBay!

Eventually, she even gained a "Powerseller" status. She still continues to sell items on eBay that she can't sell in her store. It just goes to show that eBay offers a much bigger audience — a worldwide audience that may be in search of exactly what you cannot get rid of in your store.

This concept is also great for people who want to sell on eBay part-time. Go around to local stores in your area and see if you can purchase their old stock for a good price and resell them for profit on eBay. These store owners would probably be more than happy to sell their old stock. Trying it out part-time is a good way to get your feet wet and gain more experience as an eBay seller. Selling old inventory is also a good way to figure out what is hot and what is not. If you get lucky and sell a product that takes off, you can find a wholesaler and purchase more of the same products at wholesale prices.

Many eBay powersellers achieved their status in much the same way. They began part-time selling items from old inventory, garage sales, etc. Eventually they discovered a niche that took off for them. If you have old inventory or access to some, take advantage of eBay's customer base. You never know how successful you can become.

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