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Make Money on eBay - Your 'About Me' Page

The ‘About Me’ page that you create for yourself and your eBay business is critical if you want to make money on eBay. It is the perfect forum for sharing all types of information. Include a picture of yourself. This helps to make you real to your prospective bidders. Don’t forget that you ‘About Me’ page can and should be updated periodically.

As the name implies, your ‘About Me’ page is the place for you to tell everyone exactly who you are. Information might include who you are, a little about your hobbies and pastimes, especially when they directly relate to your eBay business. Other information to include is that which might be of interest to the eBay community.

To make money on eBay, share information about your eBay business. Include standard policy information such as payment methods and shipping information. (This is a great way to announce changes! Don’t forget that payment and shipping information must always be included in your listings as well!)

Have you been out looking for new merchandise? Make money on eBay by announcing new items that you just found and are now or will soon be selling on eBay. Don’t forget to display or include a link to items that are currently at auction on eBay.

Have you been involved in a special event, such as a workshop or speaking engagement? Did your local newspaper recently feature you in an article? Include a link so prospective buyers can learn more about you. Do you publish a free newsletter related to your eBay business? Invite prospective readers to subscribe.

eBay has rules and guidelines that must be followed. There are specific policies regarding what and what not to do with your ‘About Me’ page. Be sure that you always adhere to those policies and rules.

Make money on eBay by creating an ‘About Me’ page. Invest the time to know the rules. Invest the time to create a page that will capture the attention of visitors.

To Your eBay Success!