How to Make Money Selling on eBay - Price - Value are the KeysFor those who want to know how to make money selling on eBay, look no further than the price – value of the items that you sell. This formula is very simple. Yet it is one of the keys to success for many eBay sellers.In the vast eBay marketplace most buyers seek high-value, yet reasonably-priced items. If you want to know how to make money selling on eBay, be sure that you continually monitor the value of the items that you plan to sell. While eBay is a gigantic marketplace that is filled with ready, willing and able buyers, those very same buyers are well-informed. They know what they are seeking. They know what the things they want are worth. They know how much they are willing to pay for those items. In its simplest form the price - value formula simply means that if an item retails for $50.00 and it is in ‘new’ condition, the buyer will likely not willingly spend $50.00 to make the purchase. It will be deemed a high-value and reasonably-priced item if it sell for less than the full retail price. The other side of this is that perceived value, which often has nothing to do with retail value. For example, I just saw an auction that closed with a sale for $650.00. The product was a snowball. Even more surprising; it was a MELTED snowball! There were many bidders for this one item. (To me, this was a small container filled with murky water.) Obviously the retail value of a melted snowball is about zero. Yet the perceived value to all of those bidders was much higher. It is important that every seller know the special and unique things about items that they sell. Is there a movie being released or re-released? Is there a shortage of the item at a high-demand time? Has the item become popular because a well-known person has started collecting or using it? All of these things and more go into establishing the perceived value of an item. The higher the perceived value, the higher the final auction price you are likely to receive. If there is nothing ‘special’ about your item, the perceived value will approach the retail price. Since buyers seek high-value AND reasonable price, expect to sell for less than retail. However, before eliminating perceived value from the formula, really examine your auction items for unusual characteristics. Experienced sellers know that those unique and unusual characteristics make money on eBay for them. For those who want to know how to make money selling on eBay, look no further than the price – value of the items that you sell. It is a simple formula. However, selecting items with high perceived value can make the difference between having a small container of murky water listed and having the first snowball made from the first snow of the year. To your eBay success |