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Government Surplus Property Auctions

Purchasing surplus property at government auctions has been done for years. Many Americans have built their wealth by purchasing and reselling government surplus and land year after year. Instead of purchasing goods at retail or even wholesale prices from companies or ordinary stores, why not go to a government surplus property auction and possibly pick up the same piece of merchandise for a small fraction of the price?

Government auctions, especially surplus auctions, have proven to be an essential resource for individuals looking to acquire goods for pennies on the dollar for their business, and the great thing is, anybody can go to them. You don't have to work for the government and you don't need to know anybody to gain special privileges in order to attend the auction.

Now that know just how beneficial government surplus auctions can be, let me tell you what a surplus auction really is. Any property the government does not need is considered "surplus." And if the property cannot be donated to a state or public agency or nonprofit organization, it ends up being sold to the general public. Federal government agencies such as GSA oversee the sale of federal surplus property to civilians. GSA is the federal government's procurement agent. They purchase the supplies, equipment and vehicles that federal workers need to do their jobs. When items are no longer needed by the federal government, they stretch our tax dollars by offering them for sale to the public. Their auctions include a wide variety of items for sale to the public that would interest both individuals and businesses. Aside from GSA there are many other federal and state government agencies and departments that also sell surplus property -- state DOT department, and many others.

You might be asking yourself what types of items you could possibly find at a surplus property auction. The answer is simple: almost anything you can think of! Items generally range from automobiles and other vehicles to tools, industrial machinery, or office equipment. The list goes on and on which is why everyone needs to check out these surplus property auctions now. There is even surplus land, buildings, and other real estate.

Since automobiles are a very popular surplus item I thought I'd tell you a little more about the process of how they are acquired and sold. Most of the surplus vehicles GSA purchases are new and driven by government or state agency employees for official purposes. They are sold when they reach replacement age and/or mileage limitations. Used government vehicles are one of the best buys in the marketplace today. The vehicles are well maintained, have relatively low age and mileage and have desired features like automatic transmission, air conditioning, power steering, and power brakes. They also come in attractive body styles and a variety of colors.

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