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Looking for Auction eBay Power Seller Info?

Several years ago, I became a power seller in four months. It was the first four months of selling on eBay(R). The second month of selling on eBay(r), I sold over $1000. In the back of my mind I thought, "Hey, I could be a Power Seller in 2 more months". But my family was in the midst of moving from Texas to Idaho so I had virtually no sales the third month. Once we settled into a new home, I hit the auction listings and made up for lost time. After that month, I received an invitation to become a power seller.

Why did I do I want to become a power seller?

When buyers see my listings with a power seller emblem, they know they are working with one of the successful eBay sellers. Power sellers must be successful in their sales and their customer service. Buyers are more assured that their transaction will be smooth and without problems. The power seller emblem adds trust in the bidder's eyes. Customers want to know they can trust you and being a power seller offers this advantage.

How do I become a power seller?

To become a power seller, you must fulfill the following requirements.

* Active member for 90 days

* Average a minimum of $1000 in sales per month, for three consecutive months

* Overall Feedback rating of 100, of which 98% or more is positive

* Account in good financial standing

It's really that simple. If you average sales of $1000 per month and keep good customer service, you can easily become a power seller, too.

After becoming a power seller, you can also gain the trust of millions of bidders who might land on your listings. For those of you who want to build an eBay business, becoming a power seller will be a no-brainer. Take a few months to concentrate your energies on selling your listings. Before you know it, you will receive an invitation to become a power seller in your inbox.