How To Make Money Online With EbayDid you want to make money online? Have you looked at a ton of different things or spent a fortune on various products only to find your bank balance still looks the same? Or even worse, it's redlining.I've been in that situation too. I used to work in a regular 9-5 office, with too much month at the end of the money. That may sound cliche, but it's the truth and for those living with that reality, it's a feeling that makes the pit of your stomach churn when you wake up in the morning as you drag your heels to work, wondering what you need to do to change and either make more money or better still, quit the rat race. There is a school of thought that suggests things only come to people when they are open minded enough to look at new possibilities. I looked at many things, from mlm schemes, latest fads, to gambling systems and arbitrage. I was desperate to quit the rat race and lead the life I had always dreamt of. So I pursued these things without really educating myself first. The net result of that is you don't get very far unless you're lucky. I was like a blinkered donkey chasing a carrot. The first website I ever built, I did it completely from scratch in notepad. Talk about doing things the hard way ! When I stumbled across ebay a few years ago, I didn't really give it much thought in the beginning. I thought it was a great place to buy things on, but I'd never thought about selling anything on there. Indeed, it was one of my friends talking about it, and I dismissed it as a kind of flea market without realising the true power of the ebay marketplace at the time. After some cajoling by my friend I sold a couple of items on there, like many of us do when we are starting out. For a step by step method visit I didn't even think the items I had listed would sell. The adverts were apalling and the description was only a few lines long. The picture I put up was so dark you could hardly see it. I didn't even give it another thought. Then, while I was sitting at work I got a payment notification. My poorly advertised item had just sold. I sat there and thought, "Wow, if an item so badly advertised can sell like this, then what would be possible if I wrote a good ad and looked into what is in demand on this auction site". The truth is, if you know what you are doing you can make huge profits on ebay, but you have to do things the right way. You can't afford to second guess what will or won't work if you want to achieve good results. That caveat withstanding, it is still definitely the best place to start making money online. |